How many clients could you get with the audience you already have?

The calculator shows how many coaching clients you could be enrolling /per month with your current audience, without constantly following up or lowering your prices.

How Many Clients Calculator

The duration of your coaching/program?

This number helps determine how many clients you can handle per month and how often your client list will cycle.

And the client $$ investment?

This figure assists in projecting the potential revenue by considering conservative estimates of increased client enrollment.

Your main source of leads? (pick up to 2)

This provides insight into how your business has generated revenue, allowing for a more accurate estimation of opportunities.

1. Social Media (Organic)
2. Social Media (Paid)
3. Email
4. Events/Networks
5. Referrals
6. Repeat Customers
7. Other

Social media platform most business comes from?

1. Facebook
2. LinkedIn
3. Instagram
4. TikTok
5. Other

Rough size of that audience?

We use this number to estimate the potential of your main current audience.

If you have a freebie, roughly how many downloads did you receive these last 3 months?

This helps determine the effectiveness of current lead gen, conversion rate, and potential opportunity.

How many prospect calls did you take these last 3 months?

This number is crucial in determining the ratio of leads that result in a call, as well as the ratio of calls that result in an enrolment.

Number of new clients enrolled in the last 3 months?

Sharing this number helps estimate the future growth in enrollments and revenue.

Total hours spent marketing each week? Include everything in an average week; creating content, checking social, sending DMs, engaging/responding, going LIVE, booking calls, etc.

Total hours spent help project time and energy savings.

Email to send results

Don`t worry, we don`t spam

How Many Clients Calculator

All information is strictly confidential.

How many COACHING clients could you get with the audience you already have

...without having to constantly follow-up or lower your prices?

How Many Clients Calculator

The duration of your coaching/program?

This number helps determine how many clients you can handle per month and how often your client list will cycle.

And the client $$ investment?

This figure assists in projecting the potential revenue by considering conservative estimates of increased client enrollment.

Your main source of leads? (pick up to 2)

This provides insight into how your business has generated revenue, allowing for a more accurate estimation of opportunities.

1. Social Media (Organic)
2. Social Media (Paid)
3. Email
4. Events/Networks
5. Referrals
6. Repeat Customers
7. Other

Social media platform most business comes from?

1. Facebook
2. LinkedIn
3. Instagram
4. TikTok
5. Other

Rough size of that audience?

We use this number to estimate the potential of your main current audience.

If you have a freebie, roughly how many downloads did you receive these last 3 months?

This helps determine the effectiveness of current lead gen, conversion rate, and potential opportunity.

How many prospect calls did you take these last 3 months?

This number is crucial in determining the ratio of leads that result in a call, as well as the ratio of calls that result in an enrolment.

Number of new clients enrolled in the last 3 months?

Sharing this number helps estimate the future growth in enrollments and revenue.

Total hours spent marketing each week? Include everything in an average week; creating content, checking social, sending DMs, engaging/responding, going LIVE, booking calls, etc.

Total hours spent help project time and energy savings.

Email to send results

Don`t worry, we don`t spam

How Many Clients Calculator

All information is strictly confidential.

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