Your time is being held awaiting completion of STEP 2
Step 2 - Call Prep Info
Alright, your time is pencilled in the calendar.
Now take a minute, get the basics out over the next few slides so we can prepare for your session
Call Application
Question 1 of 14.
Your Name
Question 2 of 14.
What best describes the business you want to talk with Pat about?
1. Coaching
2. Consulting
3. Program / Course
4. Expert
5. Other
Question 3 of 14.
How long has this business been operating?
1. < 1 yr
2. 2 - 3 yrs
3. 4+ yrs
Question 4 of 14.
Tell me briefly about your business (What you sell, size of your team, why you started etc)
Question 5 of 14.
Brief overview. What's the situation/problem you're working through? Non-emotional, just the facts:
Question 6 of 14.
Why is this situation a problem?
Question 7 of 14.
What do you think will happen if this problem isn't solved?
Question 8 of 14.
What kind of challenge is this?
1. I'll get to it eventually
2. This is a priority
Question 9 of 14.
Average MONTHLY revenue for this business
1. 0 (Just starting)
2. < $5K
3. $5K - $10K USD
4. $10K - $25K USD
5. $25K - $50K USD
6. $50K - $100K USD
7. $100K USD +
Question 10 of 14.
What is your target MONTHLY revenue for this business?
Question 11 of 14.
Be 100% honest - what do you think is stopping you from hitting your target revenue? (The more specific you are here the faster we'll get you clarity during the call)
Question 12 of 14.
Are you ultimately responsible for your businesses financial decisions?
1. Yes, I make the decisions
2. No, somebody else needs to be in on this call and we will take this call together
Question 13 of 14.
Do you have financial resources available to invest in the RIGHT things for yourself and your business?
1. Yes - for the right opportunities
2. Not sure - funds are tight
3. Absolutely not - but I wish I did
4. No way - I'm super cheap and I firmly believe to "get all you can, can all you get, and sit on the can"
Question 14 of 14.
During our call, if it looks like I can help you with your goals we can talk about what I do and what working together would look like. If it looks like a good fit, and we are both excited to work together, how soon would you want to get started?
Please attempt all questions
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