SCA Advisor is currently the only way to work with me 1:1. It's designed for people who want to enrol between 1-10 new clients /month without building a team or doing anything that doesn't align with who you are.
Instead of boring you with a lengthy sales page, simply answer the questions below. There's no commitment, you're just answering questions 🙂
You'll receive info about the next steps if it makes sense.
SCA Advisor Application
Question 1 of 10.
Current number of active clients
Question 2 of 10.
What would you prefer that number to be?
Question 3 of 10.
The duration of your main coaching program?
Question 4 of 10.
And the client $$ investment for this program?
Question 5 of 10.
What do you help people with?
Question 6 of 10.
Your main source of leads? (pick up to 2)
1. Social Media (Organic)
2. Social Media (Paid)
3. Email
4. Events/Networks (Online & in person)
5. Repeat Customers & Referrals
6. Other
Question 7 of 10.
Where is your largest audience? Please include rough audience size. List only what you think is relevant.
Question 8 of 10.
How many prospect calls did you take these last 3 months?
Question 9 of 10.
Number of new clients enrolled in the last 3 months?
Question 10 of 10.
Anything else you feel is relevant?
Please attempt all questions
All information is strictly confidential.

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