Never FRIEND REQUEST ANOTHER SOUL ever again - And have your ideal avatar flock to you daily
What I’m about to share enabled my first $20K day
This is laser-targeted tactical marketing. Net up to 20 hyper-relevant potential clients into your audience daily.
Let me give you some context...
Many years ago, Facebook blocked me from friend-requesting. This was a serious blow -- because that’s how I was growing my audience (feel a little embarrassed to admit it now, but whatever).
Don't get me wrong, I hated sending dozens of requests a day. It felt sleazy & gross, and the quality of those who accepted was super hit and miss (mostly miss), but that's what I was being 'taught'.
So when Facebook blocked me - I had a choice: Play the victim... or figure it out.
Refusing to give up, I set my mind to a singular challenge:
Get 10 people to friend request ME
I became obsessed.
The real problem was: This goal required different thinking, a completely different approach.
I thought back to my early days in content marketing and audience building. Back then I was selling expensive things to affluent people, and these people usually have fantastic defences and ‘gate-keepers’ (aka they can sniff bullshit a mile away).
The similarities were striking. See, you can’t easily coerce affluent people to do much of anything. But, if they want something, if their curiosity is piqued -- these people have the resources and time on hand to devote all their attention to achieve it… including a continual appetite for new solutions.
So, with my eyes fixed on growing my audience, I got busy testing and experimenting to make sure the ones that found me were the right kinds of people.
I abandoned what didn’t work, and doubled down on what did. Soon, the ‘fog’ of confusion about how to get people to friend request me began lifting...
And then the craziest thing started happening
At first, it was 1 or 2 requests.
Soon, 4-7...
Then it happened. I hit 10 friend requests in one day. Bingo.
But the 10 friend requests p/day didn't stop there. I realised running the strategy a few times a week would net 100+ targeted friend requests.
Just think about that for a second:
✅ They were compelled to click through to me
✅ They likely scrolled me for 5 minutes at least
✅ They were all up in my marketing within minutes of finding me, some were dropping into my funnels and onto my email lists, commenting on CTA posts & 2-steps -- all in real-time.
Meaning, I didn’t need anywhere near as many friends in my audience as I thought. A much higher percentage of this new traffic were action takers.
The process was eye-opening and every aspect of my business started getting more attention. Consequently, I was getting more leads, more calls, and enrolling more clients. And I was posting less content, spending less time on Facebook, and it was actually fun (gasp)!
I had a dragon by the tail so I experimented more.
I simplified and cut stuff that wasn’t effective, doubled down more, and pushed the boundaries -- because I was kinda shocked at the results.
Then something absurd happened.
A friend was in town for a week (we were in Thailand).
I’d cleared my schedule so we could drop off the map with motorbikes and backpacks. I essentially stopped my experiment. Meaning, all the friend requests just sat there in my notifications.
When we returned seven days later and I decided to open up Facebook again, I counted up the friend request; I don’t remember the exact number, but it was just shy of 200.
I’d found a genuine 80/20 lever not just for audience growth -- but for my entire business.
I was sharing this with some clients and the eye-opening looks on their faces reminded me of its power -- but no one (that I know) teaches it!
I figure no one is teaching this because this is a real strategy, not some hack, and is for people who want real results that compound even more over time -- not some tips & tricks from a $19 workshop.
Still -- this is fundamental to getting off the content treadmill.
It eliminates the constant need for outreach, ultimately allowing you to lead your audience with ever-higher quality of thought leadership and value.
So, in mid-2021 I offered to teach this method -- and a dozen entrepreneurs raised their hands and said "yes please" at $580 a seat.
🍕 If your friend's list is full of the wrong people...
🍕 If you've ever felt the frustration of not being in control of the attention side of your business...
🍕 If you've ever wondered “how do I get people to follow me? There must be a better way?"
I’m going to teach you how to have a friends list stuffed with potential buyers. All with zero outbound or hacky-tacky techniques.
"Pat, I want to say how much I love this training. This is an amazing nuance that changes the whole organic marketing game."
Laser-targeted tactical marketing that draws hyper-relevant potential clients into your audience
Enrollment Is Open To The First 20 Applicants
Once The Spots Fill, The Doors Will Close Until Next Time
Legendary marketer Gary Halbert famously stated that the #1 advantage one identical business could have over one another, was to have a starving crowd.
In other words, the most important factors in your marketing success are:
- The quality of your prospects
- how strongly they desire your product or service
- and having lots of them
So, if you're using Facebook to get clients, ensuring consistent sales (without the cold-outreach grind) requires an engaged following stuffed with your avatar.
Growing a ‘holy-grail’ audience like this isn’t easy, and broad advice like “post in groups” and “comment on peoples stuff” feels as vague and useless as it is time-consuming… It’s no wonder many people still resort to sending friend requests -- with embarrassing, diminishing returns.
What if you could have your ideal avatar flock to you daily -- without ever having to send another friend request to another soul ever again?
Here’s the truth...
People are tired of the relentless friend requesting. Every time you hit ‘friend request’ your authority erodes. And you know it.
But for your offers to sell, they need a hungry audience.
So instead of going out and trying to drag people into your world -- let's do the FLIP: let's get them stalking you, following you and eating up your marketing.
Now, don’t you dare confuse this with 'attraction-based content marketing'.
Why is this different?
This is laser-targeted tactical marketing that nets 5-20 hyper-relevant potential clients into your audience daily.
Enrollment Is Open To The First 20 Applicants
Once The Spots Fill, The Doors Will Close Until Next Time
Change The Way You Do Organic Marketing Forever
Ok, some questions...
Generate real influence
In this stand-alone workshop I share everything:
- The strategy top to tail, and how to practically run it, step by step
- Real examples
- Separate deep dives on both content and execution
Look, this is so fundamentally different and will change the actual structure of your audience... You'll see engagement go up, watch people respond to your CTA's, have your feed come alive…
And if you've heard of people closing new clients after only a few days, and wondered how the hell is that possible...
>> This is EXACTLY how this happens.
This is a rare chance to get your hands on this mastery-level strategy at a fraction of the usual investment to work with me.
I was advised before the original workshop to don't go below $3K, but I knew I wanted more people to get help, not just those who we're already generating leads from their organic content and therefore could already afford it.
And as I said, the price for the original 12 people was $580...
But your price is only $Name Your Price$
🍄 Never friend request another soul again
🍄 Have your idea avatar flock to you (you can trigger it whenever you want)
🍄 Open the stranger >> to >> client pathway (in just days)
🍄 Forever change the way you look at social media (and its utility for your business)
🍄 AND simplify the way you do content, forever.
This audience building system draws qualified people (with problems you solve) into your orbit, and these people change the makeup of your entire audience.
And this isn’t extra work you need to do -- it’s instead of all the work you're currently doing that is likely sending attention in the wrong direction.
If you're posting on Facebook to get clients and wondering why it's not working as well as you hoped -- this explains everything AND puts the power back in your hands, AND gives you an incredible strategy (when you see it 🤯) that will change the way you post, forever.
Tactical Audience Growth:
Never Friend Request Another Soul Ever Again
Video Training
Concise so you can consume it quickly delivering crystal clear information without all the waffle and time-wasting of a live training workshop. The entire strategy is explained sequentially so you can immediately start taking small actions as you gain momentum.
2x Deep Dives
The recordings of both deep-dive sessions on content & execution + Q&A
Examples, Checklist, & Support
As soon as you see and understand the power of this strategy you will quickly develop your own content, drawn from your expertise and business. It's about keeping everything simple.
Instant Access
Receive immediate portal logins to begin right now.
Loved it, Pat, there are just so many layers in the training, and it makes so much sense. Even just the mind mapping stuff was like wow, mind blown, thank you! - Happy Customer
I just wanna say how amazing this strategy is, I love it. - Happy Customer
It really hits on all the points of organic marketing that I’ve hesitated about, felt bad about, been uncomfortable with for all those reasons. This is a much more natural way to do it, and effective, I love it. - Happy Customer
I actually really loved your stuff on the frequency, listening and tuning in (to the radio) -- I felt like for me that was like the whole training there, boom, done, thanks. - Happy Customer
What you’re saying is so true. When I was listening to the training I kept thinking ‘Pat’s so right’ I just hadn’t really consciously thought about it like that. - Happy Customer
Pat, I want to say how much I love this training. This is an amazing nuance that changes the whole organic marketing game. - Paid Testimonial **JUST KIDDING... another Happy Customer.

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