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Tactical Audience Growth:
Never Friend Request Another Soul Ever Again
Video Training
Concise so you can consume it quickly, delivering crystal clear information without all the waffle and time-wasting of a live training workshop. The entire strategy is explained sequentially so you can immediately start taking small actions as you gain momentum.
2x Deep Dives
The recordings of both deep-dive sessions on content & execution + Q&A
Examples, Checklist, & Support
As soon as you see and understand the power of this strategy you will quickly develop your own content, drawn from your expertise and business. It's about keeping everything simple.
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Enrollment Is Open To The First 20 Applicants
Once The Spots Fill, The Doors Will Close Until Next Time
"Pat, I can't believe how easy you've made this to follow. My Facebook has come alive, in like a day lol" - Private Client
"Whenever I post a CTA now I know exactly what to do a day or so before to make sure people see my CTA when I post it. Actually, sometimes I just do it a few hours before." - Private Client
"I look back at what I was doing, no wonder my engagement was so bad, it's embarrassing to think about actually, this training fixed it in like a day" - Private Client
"A critical 'tool-of-the-trade' for anyone who uses social media to get clients." - Someone I paid to say that. JK, that's from another private clients also.

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